The Black Slab Sector

A great introduction to some excellent slab climbing. And the addition of the wooden platforms at the base of the crag, makes this a very popular venue


From The Farm Crags, walk right, along the base of the rock, to reach the platforms and the crag.
The Nook Sector (routes 8,9 & 10): This sector lies immediately to the right of Black Slab Sector

  1. Pink is the New Black *** 16/5b [8B,C]
    H. Venter 2014
  2. Black Sparrow *** 15/5a [9B,C]
    H. Venter 2014
  3. Black Pearl *** 17/5c [8B,C]
    H. Venter 2014
  4. The Flying Dutchmen *** 16/5b [8B,C]
    J. Hayden 2014
  5. Lekker soos ’n Cracker *** 17/5c [B,C]
    H. Venter 2014
    P1. 25m 17/5c [10B,C]; P2. 28m 16/5b [11B,C]
  6. Black Flags in The Sunset *** 19/6a+ [8B,C]
    J. Hayden 2014
  7. Black Magic Woman *** 19/6a+ [11B,C]
    T. Lourens 2016
  8. Farfallina *** 18/6a [9B,C]
    T. Lourens 2014
  9. Long Way From Stellenbosch *** 23/6c+ [9B,C]
    H. Venter 2011
  10. Polkadraai **** 18/6a [9B,C]
    H. Venter April 2016