The Steeple

One of the most popular crags in Montagu. Excellent, easy to moderate, long routes on the slabby side and some very good harder routes on the steep side. Lovely grassy base, perfect for kids and picnics. Can get crowded on weekend summer afternoons.


From the convergence of the two paths, just follow the main path along the riverbank and you will reach The Steeple. Go around to the left of the crag to reach the back area.

  1. Elbow Grease *** 14/4c [11B,C]
    J. Lawson Sep 2011
  2. Jingle Bells * 10/3 [5B,C]
    S. Brown 2003
  3. Lead us to Reason ** 21/6b+ [9B,C]
    J. Temple-Forbes 1998
  4. Quasimodo **** 20/6b [9B,C]
    E. February 1997
  5. The Gospel Express * 18/6a [10B,C]
    R. Nattrass 1997
  6. For Whom the Bell Tolls *** 19/6a+ [12B,C]
    J. Orton 2002
  7. The Reeking Bums of Angels *** 17/5c [4B,C]
    T. Lourens Aug 2017
  8. Hells Bells *** 16/5b [3B,C]
    S. Brown 2003
  1. The Unforgiven * 19/6a+ [11B,C]
    T. Lourens 1997
  2. Altar Boys **** 20/6b [7B,C]
    R. Schmidt 1997
  3. Devil’s Dance ***** 20/6b [11B,C]
    T. Lourens Aug 2017
  4. The Holy Grail *** 17/5c [6B,C]
    S. Brown 2003
  5. Confessions *** 15/5a [6B,C]
    S. Brown 2003
  6. God is a DJ *** 19/6a+ [6B,C]
    S. Brown 2003
  7. Sunday School ** 12/4a [5B,C]
    S. Brown 2003
  8. Derby Run * 10/3 [5B,C]
    J. and R. Lawson Oct 2011
    Far right side of the crag.
  1. Losing My Religion ** 22/6c [6B,C]
    T. Lourens 2002
  2. Midnite Mass ** 22/6c [6B,C]
    T. Lourens 2002
  3. Holy Moly *** 26/7b [7B,C]
    R. Nattrass 1997
  4. The Church of Frederico **** 23/6c+ [7B,C]
    R. Nattrass 1997
  5. The Shouting Stage **** 29/7c+ [14B,C]
    R. Nattrass 1997